
Multiplication by powers of 10

X 3 digits by 10          X 3 digits by 10 or 100          X 3 digits by 10, 100 or 1000

Division by powers of 10

÷ 3 digits by 10 or 100          ÷ 4 digits by 10 or 100     

÷ 3 digits by 10, 100 or 1000          ÷ 4 digits by 10, 100 or 1000   

Addition of integers

HTU carrying units          HTU carrying tens          HTU mixed          ThHTU mixed

Addition of decimals

TU.t        HTU.t        3 digits mixed to 1dp       3 digits mixed to 2dp  

4 digits mixed to 1dp        4 digits mixed to 2dp

Addition of money

Money to £20        Money to £30        Money to £40        Money to £50

Subtraction - no zeroes

HTU        ThHTU

TU.t        HTU and TU.t       HTU.t and

3 digits mixed to 2dp        4 digits mixed to 2dp        5 digits mixed to 2dp

Subtraction with zeroes

HTU with zero tens        ThHTU with 1 zero        ThHTU with 2 zeroes        ThHTU with 1 or 2 zeroes

ThHTU mixed        TU.t mixed        HTU.t with zeroes        HTU.t mixed

3 digits mixed to 2dp        4 digits mixed to 2dp        5 digits mixed to 2dp

Subtraction of money

£.p to £10        £.p to £20        £.p to £50        £.p to £100

Multiplication by 3, 4, 5, 6, 8

Integers TU        Integers HTU        Integers ThHTU        Decimals TU.t        Decimals

Multiplication by 2 to 9

Integers HTU        Integers ThHTU        Decimals        4 digits mixed to 2dp        5 digits mixed to 2dp

Multiplication of money

Money to £10        Money to £20        Money to £50        Money to £100

Long multiplication

TU x TU basic        TU x TU medium        TU x TU hard

HTU to 300 x TU to 50        HTU to 500 x TU to 60        HTU x TU hard        ThHTU x TU

Decimals TU.t x TU        Decimals x TU

Long multiplication of money

£.p to £10        £.p to £20        £.p to £30        £.p to £50        £.p to £100


TU        HTU easier        HTU harder        ThHTU easier        ThHTU harder

HTU with fractions        ThHTU with fractions       

Decimals HTU.t        Decimals        ThHTU & HTU.t        Integers with decimal quotients

Division of money

£.p to £10        £.p to £20        £.p to £50

Long Division

HTU        HTU harder        ThHTU        ThHTU harder